Thursday, October 21, 2010

Let's get this show on the road!!

Well, as most of you are aware we have been trying to sell our condo for the past few weeks.  Initially we tried to sell it ourselves, but the realization that there is a strong agent boycott of homes FSBO (For Sale By Owner) and Lori's rapidly approaching Christmas Craft Show season convinced us that we should pass it over to an agent.  As of today we have appeared once again on MLS.  The associated pictures have not been posted but there is a link to some fancy multimedia and hopefully over the next few days we will see some action.

We have been lucky here and there.  The other day we were approached by an acquaintance at the dog park where we walk Kona.  She knew we were moving and wanted to know if we were going to be selling out car.  24h later we have an agreement to sell the car, but we do not have to hand it over until just before Christmas.  It is a relief to have a car until Christmas and to not have to worry about selling it come crunch time...  On the same note we sold most of our furniture yesterday.  They will pick it up in January just before we leave.